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The Crown of the Kings. The Jagiellonians

20:12, 04.10.2022
The Crown of the Kings. The Jagiellonians Korona królów. Jagiellonowie

Korona królów. Jagiellonowie

Fot. TVP
Fot. TVP

Podziel się:   Więcej

The Jagiellonians is a new season of a smash historical period drama The Crown of the Kings. Its action starts in the year 1399 and it tells the story of the Jagiellonian dynasty, which reigned in no fewer than 14 present-day states in Renaissance Europe between the 14th and 16th centuries. The dynasty comprised of Kings of Poland, Grand Dukes of Lithuania, Kings of Hungary, Kings of Bohemia, as well as imperial electors. The new season presents the most important historical events, such as one of the biggest battles of medieval Europe – The Battle of Grunwald, the victory over Teutonic Knights, the annexation of Samogitia, and many politically profitable marriages that influenced the balance of power in Europe at that time. The series introduces viewers to the glory days of the mighty dynasty in a captivating and thrilling way.