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Moldova to hold referendum on EU aspirations

Moldova to hold referendum on EU aspirations

22:45, 16.05.2024
Moldova to hold referendum on EU aspirations Politicians in Moldova have voted to hold an October referendum on EU membership, one of the cornerstones of President Maia Sandu’s manifesto.

Politicians in Moldova have voted to hold an October referendum on EU membership, one of the cornerstones of President Maia Sandu’s manifesto.

Voting today in parliament, 56 members out of 101 backed the proposal for an October 20 referendum. They also approved a motion to hold the presidential election on the same date.

Twenty-four members of pro-Russian opposition parties abstained from the vote, with one even attempting to block the rostrum. Sandu’s pro-European drive has repeatedly irked the opposition, who have accused her of setting the referendum on the same day as the presidential election to improve her chances of holding onto power.

The topic of EU integration has polarized opinions with some in the former Soviet republic hostile to closer ties with Europe.

“The EU means peace and stability,” argued Lilian Carp of the PAS party, before noting that the opposition would have been happier had the vote concerned strengthening ties to Moscow.

For her part, Sandu has proved an outspoken critic of the Kremlin and said that Russia and corruption are the biggest threats to her country’s sovereignty.

Should Moldovans vote in favor of EU membership, an addendum will be added to the constitution to declare EU accession as the country’s “strategic goal”.

A coalition consisting of Socialists, Communists, the Chance party, and a host of smaller parties announced last month in Moscow their intention to create an electoral bloc to contest the ballot. Chance is linked to the fugitive business Ilan Șor who has been accused of vanishing with one billion dollars from Moldovan banks.

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