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U.S. issues visa restrictions for Georgia

U.S. issues visa restrictions in response to Georgia’s ‘foreign agent’ bill

12:40, 24.05.2024
  mz/kk;   TVP World, Reuters
U.S. issues visa restrictions in response to Georgia’s ‘foreign agent’ bill The U.S. has announced new visa restrictions on individuals in Georgia and initiated a comprehensive review of bilateral cooperation in response to the enactment of a “foreign agent” bill.

The U.S. has announced new visa restrictions on individuals in Georgia and initiated a comprehensive review of bilateral cooperation in response to the enactment of a “foreign agent” bill.

Photo by Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images
Photo by Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images

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U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, announcing the actions in a statement, said the law would “stifle the exercise of freedoms of association and expression” and impede independent media organizations’ work.
The controversial law, passed by the Georgian parliament, has ignited widespread protests within the country, with critics condemning it as authoritarian and allegedly influenced by Russian interests.

Conversely, the ruling party in Georgia contends that the bill is necessary to enhance transparency regarding foreign funding of non-governmental organizations and safeguard the nation’s sovereignty.

Under the newly implemented visa restriction policy, individuals deemed to be involved in undermining democracy in Georgia, along with their family members, will face limitations on entering the United States.

Blinken emphasized that as the U.S. evaluates its relationship with Georgia, it will consider the actions taken by the Georgian government.

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has accused Washington of exerting pressure on Georgia, labeling it as blackmail.
źródło: TVP World, Reuters