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Elon Musk slams Warsaw’s plans to reduce discrimination

Elon Musk calls Warsaw’s plans to reduce discrimination “embarrassing”

09:38, 22.05.2024
  ew/rl;   interia.pl
Elon Musk calls Warsaw’s plans to reduce discrimination “embarrassing” Elon Musk has hit out at Warsaw mayor Rafał Trzaskowski over his plans to ban religious symbols in city hall, require staff to respect preferred pronouns, and show regard for the rights of same-sex couples.

Elon Musk has hit out at Warsaw mayor Rafał Trzaskowski over his plans to ban religious symbols in city hall, require staff to respect preferred pronouns, and show regard for the rights of same-sex couples.

Theo Wargo/WireImage/PAP/Łukasz Gągulski
Theo Wargo/WireImage/PAP/Łukasz Gągulski

Podziel się:   Więcej
The regulations which were revealed last week, are intended as part of new internal guidelines aimed at reducing discrimination.

But responding to a post on the X platform on Tuesday, which described the plans as “extremely woke,” Musk weighed in, calling Trzaskowski’s plans “embarrassing.”

Malaysian right-wing influencer, Ian Miles Cheong, had posted a fragment of an article in which he had written: “Alongside cracking down on religious freedom of expression, the Mayor has also moved to strengthen LGBT rights in the city, with officials now required to respect the choice of pronouns preferred of someone they are dealing with, including teachers.”

Posting below the comment, billionaire Musk wrote: “They are shamelessly copying stupid things from America. How embarrassing.”

Former prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki from the socially conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party added to the controversy on Wednesday by joining in and posting “What a shame.”

This has widely been seen as referring to both Trzaskowski’s plans and Musk’s awareness of them.

The former prime minister’s post has now been flooded with comments, with one follower saying: “It's a shame that the former prime minister cares about the delusions of the second biggest idiot on Twitter after himself.”

Another posted: “Are you serious? Shame because some guy who has no idea where Poland is and that Warsaw is the capital commented something? Seriously? Is this supposed to be national pride?”

While yet another commented in reference to PiS’s time in government: “If Elon found out about your 8-year term, he would have a heart attack.”

Explaining his decision to introduce the regulations, last week Trzaskowski wrote on his social media that "everyone has the right to their faith (or lack thereof). Also civil servants. And everyone who comes to the office to deal with their affairs has the right to feel like they are in a neutral office.”

He added that according to Poland’s Constitution, “The Republic of Poland is a secular state, neutral in matters of religion and beliefs,” and that “no one intends to fight against any religion in Warsaw.”
źródło: interia.pl