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TVP World exclusive: Greta Tučkutė

By joining the EU and NATO Lithuania insured its security: Greta Tučkutė

20:45, 04.05.2024
  fb/jd;   TVP World
By joining the EU and NATO Lithuania insured its security: Greta Tučkutė “For a Lithuanian, it was really an important milestone achieved when Lithuania joined NATO and the EU because this is how we ensured our security,” Lithuanian Deputy Minister of National Defence Greta Tučkutė told TVP World’s Sascha Fahrbach discussing the security situation in the Baltics in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“For a Lithuanian, it was really an important milestone achieved when Lithuania joined NATO and the EU because this is how we ensured our security,” Lithuanian Deputy Minister of National Defence Greta Tučkutė told TVP World’s Sascha Fahrbach discussing the security situation in the Baltics in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Photo: TVP Wolrd
Photo: TVP Wolrd

Podziel się:   Więcej
Tučkutė assumed office as Lithuania’s deputy minister of national defense in February 2023. With over 15 years in defense and security, she oversees appropriations and coordinates National Cyber Defense policy. Her extensive experience includes roles at NATO and within the Lithuanian Ministry of National Defence, focusing on NGO relations and inter-institutional matters. Tučkutė holds degrees in law and international conflicts.
źródło: TVP World