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Coordinating aid for Ukraine poses serious challenge, expert says

International aid coordination for Ukraine is one of the biggest problems, expert says

14:47, 21.05.2024
  fb/rl;   TVP World
International aid coordination for Ukraine is one of the biggest problems, expert says In an interview with TVP World discussing the ongoing situation in Ukraine, the Russian offensive, and the broader defense landscape in Europe, Professor Scott Lucas stated: “The process of assisting Ukraine, when you’re trying to coordinate so many countries, when some countries hold out, it could become a halting process.”

In an interview with TVP World discussing the ongoing situation in Ukraine, the Russian offensive, and the broader defense landscape in Europe, Professor Scott Lucas stated: “The process of assisting Ukraine, when you’re trying to coordinate so many countries, when some countries hold out, it could become a halting process.”

Photo: TVP World
Photo: TVP World

Podziel się:   Więcej
Scott Lucas is a Professor of International Politics at University College Dublin and Professor Emeritus at the University of Birmingham. He founded EA WorldView, a top international affairs site. An expert in U.S. and British foreign policy, he is also a political analyst for major media outlets, including the BBC, CBC, RTE, France 24, Deutsche Welle, Al Jazeera, and TVP World.
źródło: TVP World