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Lithuania bans thousands of Russian and Belarusian imports

Over 2,800 Russian and Belarusian imports banned by Lithuania

12:59, 29.05.2024
  sd/kk/pl;   lrt.lt
Over 2,800 Russian and Belarusian imports banned by Lithuania The Lithuanian government has ratified a list of banned products from Russia and Belarus, reports the Lithuanian public broadcaster, LRT, citing the BNS news agency.

The Lithuanian government has ratified a list of banned products from Russia and Belarus, reports the Lithuanian public broadcaster, LRT, citing the BNS news agency.

Illustrative Photo by Contributor/Getty Images0
Illustrative Photo by Contributor/Getty Images0

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According to LRT, the list, drafted by the Lithuanian Agriculture Ministry includes over 2,800 products.

“The list includes a total of 24 groups of products: certain live animals, meat and certain meat products, fish and shellfish, milk and milk products, eggs, honey, trees and other plants, bulbs, vegetables, fruits and nuts, coffee, tea, spices, cereals and their products, flour, starch, oils and fats, waxes, sugar, cocoa, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, vinegar, animal feed, food industry residues, as well as tobacco and their processed substitutes,” states LRT, adding that on June 3, the ban on import of these products will come into effect.
źródło: lrt.lt