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If elected, Trump would demand NATO increase defense spending: report

Trump aims to demand NATO increase defense spending if elected: report

20:34, 03.05.2024
  fb/rl;   PAP, Newsweek
Trump aims to demand NATO increase defense spending if elected: report If elected President of the United States following the 2024 presidential elections, Donald Trump reportedly plans to demand that NATO countries increase defense spending to 3% of GDP as a condition for continued U.S. commitment to European security, as reported by British newspaper “The Times”. Trump is said to have drawn inspiration for this stance from Polish President Andrzej Duda, who met with the former U.S. president in April.

If elected President of the United States following the 2024 presidential elections, Donald Trump reportedly plans to demand that NATO countries increase defense spending to 3% of GDP as a condition for continued U.S. commitment to European security, as reported by British newspaper “The Times”. Trump is said to have drawn inspiration for this stance from Polish President Andrzej Duda, who met with the former U.S. president in April.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump. Photo: Nic Antaya/Getty Images
Former U.S. President Donald Trump. Photo: Nic Antaya/Getty Images

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Quoting a source close to Trump, the newspaper indicated that the Republican candidate for the 2024 elections is leaning towards this new objective as part of a broader commitment to European defense if he returns to power.

Trump is supposedly echoing President Duda’s proposal to elevate defense spending from 2 to 3% of GDP, which Duda put forward ahead of his March visit to the White House. Discussions between Trump and Duda during a recent meeting in New York reportedly centered around Duda’s proposal.

According to sources close to Trump cited by “The Times”, the conversation with Duda has prompted Trump’s thinking to gravitate towards the 3% target, alongside considerations regarding aid to Ukraine.

Notably, the requirement for a 3% defense spending threshold could pose challenges for many European nations, with only three NATO members currently meeting or exceeding this benchmark (Poland, the U.S., and Greece).

During a visit to Poland, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak pledged to increase defense spending to 2.5% by 2030, which still falls short from the new threshold Trump and Duda have been pushing through recently, as highlighted by “The Times”.

The same source suggests that Trump indeed has a plan, as he claims, to resolve the conflict in Ukraine, though he is reluctant to disclose it to maintain influence over the situation.

In a recent interview with “Time” magazine, Trump reiterated his willingness to assist Ukraine, while emphasizing the need for similar efforts from Europe.

He underscored similar sentiments regarding NATO, clarifying that his previous remarks on allowing Russia free reign were intended as a negotiating tactic to spur European nations into greater contributions to defense. He stressed that he is not opposed to the Alliance but expects Europe to fulfill its financial obligations. U.S. presidential race

Joe Biden and Donald Trump secured their respective party nominations for the 2024 presidential election in March. Recent polls indicate a close race between them, with Biden holding slight leads, Newsweek reported on Friday.

However, two polls conducted by Florida Atlantic University and Mainstreet Research suggest that Trump is now trailing behind Biden. In one poll of likely voters, Biden leads Trump by five percentage points, if third candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is considered, while in a two-person race among all voters, they are tied.
źródło: PAP, Newsweek