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85-year-old becomes Poland’s oldest high school graduate

85-year-old becomes Poland’s oldest high school graduate after taking his final exams

18:19, 23.05.2024
  ew/jd;   TVN24/ onet
85-year-old becomes Poland’s oldest high school graduate after taking his final exams An 85-year-old pensioner has become Poland’s oldest high school graduate after sitting his final high school exam.

An 85-year-old pensioner has become Poland’s oldest high school graduate after sitting his final high school exam.

Krystian Kinastowski - Prezydent Kalisza/ Facebook
Krystian Kinastowski - Prezydent Kalisza/ Facebook

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Former bus driver Józef Peruga from Kalisz joined the city’s 1,550 high school students at the beginning of May to take his finals in Polish, German, mathematics and geography.

But unlike other students who went to school and had private tuition, the octogenarian prepared for the exams, known in Poland as ‘Matura’, on his own, because he couldn’t find a private tutor.

And instead of using a computer or smartphone to help him, he borrowed books from libraries and even bought maps.

He said: “I prepared as best I could, alone. I borrowed textbooks and books. I also remembered a bit. “I was afraid. I thought I wouldn't be able to cope after such a long time. I didn't do my secondary school education for any benefit, just for myself.”

But following his Matura success, he says he now wants to go to college and study economics.

On the day of his final exam, the mayor of Kalisz, Krystian Kinastowski posted on social media: “Your attitude commands respect and recognition.

“Congratulations, regardless of your exam results, you are a role model for all of us!”

Born in the town of Turek in 1939, following the outbreak of WWII Peruga was held as a child prisoner in a German camp.

He said that after the war: “Grandpa was sick with cancer, grandma was paralyzed, I also had to take care of them, they had a small farm, so I had to mow hay for the animals and milk the cows.

“These were the poor sites. Life wasn't a bed of roses, I had a lot of difficulties.”

Peruga found work as a bus and truck driver and moved to Kalisz in 1986, where he now looks after his sick 90-year-old wife.

In a message to future students considering dropping out of Matura, Peruga later told the Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper: “I'm telling you it's not bad! Go take your final exams.”

“If I can cope at this age, so can you.”

“Life is easier with education. I wanted to be a policeman, work in the traffic department.”

“It failed because there was no education. Go to your final exams. It's worth it. There is nothing to be afraid of.”

He added that he now wants to go to college, saying: “I want to study economics.

“As long as my health is good, especially my eyes.”
źródło: TVN24/ onet